We enjoyed another great Friday evening conference call in which Attorney Fredrick Graves of Florida participated.
I also spoke with Mr. Graves this morning while he was attending the Richard Cornforth seminar in Orlando, Florida. He reported that, as usual, Richard spoke highly of my Creditwrench and what I do. As most of my readers well know, I highly recommend the works of both men. I'm certainly happy that the two of them finally got to meet each other. Both of them do seminars and are highly regarded as being great public speakers.
The following files are in mp3 format and you will not need any special player. Quicktime or most any of the popular mp3 type players should work just fine. The major drawback is that since they are in mp3 format they are pretty big, running about 28 megabytes each and will take a bit more than 2 minutes to download if you are on DSL or cable and if you are on a 56k modem you can count on the fact that it will probably take a very long time for the files to download.
Creditwrench Conference Call
for Fri. Nov 11, 2005
1st half hour

2nd Half Hour
3rd Half Hour
Creditwrench speaking with Frederick Graves while he was attending the Richard Cornforth seminar in Orlando Florida.
I'm pleased to announce that we should be doing some great vlogging by the end of the month. I know that most of my readers will now be wondering what the heck vlogging is. Vlogging is the "geeky" name for video blogging. I've purchased a top quality professional video casting program that will do just about anything and so when I get the rest of the hardware in that is needed I will be able to grab content from camcorders, VCRS, DVDs or whatever and also do live video casting which can be put on the internet on blogs such as this one or on webpages or wherever I want them to be. Although I can do videos of entire movies if I wanted to the webspace to do that would be very prohibitive but I can easily do short videos of up to maybe 15 minutes with no big problem at all. The content can be anything I want it to be.
It should be fun for all of us.
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