The CAPTAIN does not "have" to seat a "jury" to throw you in the
BRIG; he can order this himslf, if you are a "passanger" on the
ship. If you exhibit behavior or file documents in contravention to
the "VOYAGE", he is within his rights, under ADMIRALTY to IGNORE
your claims. However, if he has signed or agreed to a CONTRACT,
which he has BREACHED, causing you "commercial injury" he is subject
to the Admiralty Jurisdiction as a FICTION. And that goes for ANY
Captain or ANY SHIP, for that matter. You cannot appeal to the same
CAPTAIN for RELIEF of the sort afforded by Common Law, when you are
in Admiralty Jurisdiction. You cannot appeal to the OWNER of the
Ship, or the Captains employer, and expect Common Law Relief.
However, you can file a CLAIM in the Admiralty Jurisdiction, for
RELIEF, and it is then the "Admiralty" Court's MINISTERIAL DUTY to
find on the merits of the case, that being the particular "LAW" of
the particular "CONTRACT". If you think that he can or will "FIND"
for his fellow "judges" or "fraternal bretheren", think again. The
COURT cannot rule with discreatonary bias because it runs the risk
of being found a "Joint Tort Feasor", and subsequent "party to the
case", subject to further claim for relief under the LAW OF NATIONS
Capitan Fourier's ship. He even has room for weatherly in it.
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