Video of J.C. Chisum of Phoenix, Ariz.

We held our December 2005 J-accuse meeting yesterday evening, December 1, 2005.
We had a lot of visitors this time and they included Mr. J.C. Chisum of Phoenix who was on his way back to his home from Muskogee, Oklahoma where he had been tried and convicted of attempted filing of false tax returns. Mr. Chisum has been an active researcher for many years and has a group of his own in Phoenix which has been meeting regularly for the last 20 years or so.
Mr. Chisum spoke to the group for about an hour and 20 minutes and the following is a video of his speech before our group. This is a pretty large file, about 170 megabytes so if you do not have a high speed internet connection I would not attempt to download it for viewing.
Please expect more videos of our j-accuse meetings in the future. The next meeting will be held on January 5th, 2006. These videos will all be nationally syndicated as well through Magna Carta News Service of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
J.C. Chisum Video
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