Yes, Charliegirl, it is obviously a brand new site. That means that at this time, it probably has no clout at all. We don't know who actually runs that site so it might be some actual government entity or it might just be somebody who has no influence at all with anybody.
But look at this group as one of a zillion examples of sites that started out with only a few people and over a relatively short period of time has grown a lot. That site can be made to grow a lot too and if it gets enough posters and enough fame through links pointing to it then in time it can have a lot more clout than it has now.
Enough voices screaming about certain judges in whatever baliwick will end up getting attention sooner or later and could make a difference given enough time and attention.
It is a proven fact that if a website gets enough links going to it then the search engines will start to think it must be a pretty important site and will start to give it top billing. Once it gets enough links pointing to it and the search engines start paying attention to it then maybe some people in government and the various court systems will start to wake up and pay attention to it too.
Links in message boards and egroups don't get all that much attention from the engines but they do get some and every litter bit helps.
One thing you can do that will also help a lot on other message boards is every time you say something about a judge, be it good or bad, make a link to your comments on that site. Let me show you the best way to do that.
Take the case of U.S. Magistrate Judge Bristow Marchant for example." In a court decision rendered by Judge Bristow Marchant in C/A No. 0:04-0295-22BD Judge Marchant falsely accused both Richard Cornforth and myself for teaching and spreading strawman theories about the internet. I wrote about that on my CREDITWRENCH BLOG back on 06-18-04 And of course, I knew that his ruling would probably disappear off the internet for all practical purposes given enough time and I have no intention of ever letting that happen or letting him live down his mistake
So in order to help ensure that Judge Bristow Marchant don't forget his mistake in badmouthing Richard and I and spreading false and misleading information about us I will post my opinion of him on the courthouse forum.
And that brings us to another very important topic which is the use of RSS feeds. I'm sure that all of you have noticed the little red "bricks" with the letters "XML" or "RSS" on them. Some of you may have even clicked on them to see what they are all about and what you saw was not all that readable or interesting so you probably just dismissed it and went on. If so, that was a huge mistake and here is why.

That little icon above is called a feed rotator or headline animator and is designed to let people know when a blog has published new information and when. That is important because you don't want to have to go visit a blog every day to see if new information has been posted. Look at the headline animator and you can tell at a glance whether it has updated or not. That feed does some other important stuff too but it is mostly all behind the scenes stuff like automatically submitting your new articles to all the search engines and much more. You can't do that with an e-group unless the site owner turns on the RSS feed for the group as I have asked Scotsman to do several times but he has never seen fit to do so as of yet for whatever reason.
If he would just do that, this group would grow a lot because it could be given lots more attention simply by posting the animator for this group on other boards and egroups. A simple copy and paste operation does it with no problem.
Now I will introduce you to a rather new development in RSS technology which is totally readable and very, very informative. By clicking on the link above you will immediately see that it is full of very easy to read information but what is even more amazing is that it changes content just about every hour and if not every hour then it changes each and every day for sure. There are two versions of that same feed. One is a short version and one is a long version. I don't post the link to the long version because it is so long that it can take you all day just to read through it.
Now then, the cute trick is that you can either "steal" my signature line above and use it as your own or you can go to feedjumbler.com and build your own and you don't even need to know any of the techno jargon or have any special skills or knowledge to use it and make it work for you.
Furthermore, if you have a "decent" cellphone you can even read what goes on in your favorite egroup or blog, get the latest news, surf the web, do your banking on line and do just about anything you do from your computer right from your cellphone.
I use the HTC-200 cellphone and it will not only do all of the above but it also has a camera which can take movies up to about 4 hours long, play all kinds of games, show live TV and much, much more. Phones like that usually cost about $400 and are a real bitch to get set up and working properly. I bought mine new in the box for $150 at a local pawnshop. Since it took my son and I 3 days to get the durn thing set up and working properly I tend to thing somebody bought it and pawned it when they found out how difficult it is to to get programmed and working correctly.
I guess I have rambled enough but I hope I have at least taught you how to properly imbed links in text messages on forums so the search engines will grab on to them, a little bit about how to use RSS and how important it is to do so. Not hard to do and it can make a big, big difference.