Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Richard Cornforth's November lawschool announcement

A few words from Richard Cornforth, founder of The Helm Society School: A question has long puzzled many. Why is it that lawyers and judges seem to know so little about law? For one thing, if lawyers and judges actually admitted to knowing the law, very few legal actions would go forward and most lawyers would be out of a job. In my opinion, the main reason that lawyers and judges seem to know so little about law, is because their legal education was grotesquely inefficient, dwelling in the intellectual morass of political correctness, fine-tuning the art of deception, and learning the art of intentional obfuscation. A way to avoid this quagmire perpetrated by lawyers and judges is to be knowledgeable in the law and well-disposed to using it as Thomas Jefferson advised. Many have reported through testimonials of benefiting from my materials and benefiting by attending my seminars. My seminars, books, and videos are credited with empowering many who have won in court. By initially becoming aware and experiencing this empowerment through my seminars, many have been inspired to seek a more extensive legal education. The Helm Society School provides committed candidates with an opportunity to compress thousands of legal study hours into a short time span of two weeks. Sincerely, Richard L. Cornforth |
Our reason and mission: “The Helm Society School” is intended to enhance the law-consuming public’s legal knowledge by empowering people to firmly stand and act against judicial and administrative tyranny. The statement and purpose: “The Helm Society”, in a manner of speaking, has always existed in spirit whenever and wherever innocent people stood alone or together to fight against the wrongs perpetrated by incompetent and dishonest public officials. The origin of the term "Helm Society" comes from the seafaring expression, "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm". This is true indeed, as most people are lulled into a sense of compliancy, believing that life is good until some fateful day, when through uncontrollable circumstances, they are drawn into the vortex of the monstrous evil of what our institutions have become. Being drawn into the vortex is followed by another stark realization that public officials, with rare exception, lack the intellect and character to make decisions which affect the lives of others. Now, worthy candidates have the opportunity to become fine-honed agents for change to a new tomorrow when government officials of all levels are held accountable for their acts and suffer consequences for their criminal misconduct. Concisely, "Knowledge is power" but, "Too little knowledge is a dangerous thing". Armed with powerful knowledge and unhindered by knowing too little, associates of “The Helm Society School”, can be masters of their own destinies. The world as we know it will pass away, but the people who are dedicated to the ideals of “Truth, Justice, and the American Way” achieved by the process of “Facts, Law, and Procedure” can institute a new world order based on individual freedom and responsibility. |
Jenny LOON speaks about IRS debt collectors

Treasury Report Latest Confirmation of Need for Private IRS Debt Collection
ACA Blasts Treasury
MINNEAPOLIS (Oct. 10, 2006) — ACA International, The American Criminals Association (ACA) today pointed to a new report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) as fresh evidence of the need for the IRS’s Private Collection Agency (PCA) program and blasted opponents of the program for twisting the report’s conclusions.
The TIGTA report found that IRS computer systems holding or transferring private taxpayer information have received the required Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) only 54 percent of the time. The E-Government Act of 2002 requires a PIA to be filed with the Office of Privacy and Information Protection for each of the IRS’s 240 systems or projects involving personal data.
“The TIGTA findings that privacy has not been adequately maintained by IRS employees remind us why Congress mandated that the IRS engage the private sector to help them fulfill their mission,” said ACA Director of Government Affairs Jenifer Loon. “While the IRS works diligently to address privacy concerns, taxpayers can be assured that private tax collection agencies are using state-of-the-art technology and best business practices to safeguard privacy while helping to reduce the $300 billion tax collection gap,” Loon said.
“Sadly NTEU, the public employees union representing IRS workers, opposes strengthening privacy for taxpayers by relying on private sector resources and has chosen instead to twist the facts in order to purposely confuse and scare taxpayers,” Loon said. An October 5th press release from the NTEU made unfounded and inaccurate claims that the TIGTA report disapproves of the PCA program. “Contrary to NTEU assertions, the TIGTA report says nothing about the PCA program. This is because PCA’s adhere to more stringent privacy standards and do not even receive tax return information from the IRS.”
Private Collection Agencies (PCAs) have been contracted by the IRS to recover delinquent taxes that the IRS—due to a structure that lacks many tools used professionally and effectively by the private sector—is unable to pursue internally. The initial phase of the program began September 7 and is already exceeding expectations, according to congressional testimony last week by IRS Commissioner Mark Everson.
“Already I’m told (hearsay testimony) we have received over a half a million in cash thus far from some 250-odd taxpayers,” (Government speak for "An average of only $2,000 per each person paying up) Everson told the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information and International Security.
Responding to questions from the Subcommittee members, Everson indicated the debt collection program was off to a good start. He also pledged to vigilant oversight of the program. “I’m cautiously optimistic that [the program] is going to supplement and bring in more money to help us, but if there are any warts or problems with it, we’re going to be very transparent about it and make whatever adjustments we have to.”
The Privacy Impact Assessment filed for the PCA program can be viewed online at,,id=140507,00.html.
The complete TIGTA report is available at

Here is something new and very interesting. It is called GOOGLE CALENDAR. And here is what it looks like.

I'm informing the Cornforth strategies group about this new gadget because it will show up every time there is a J-accuse meeting chaired by Richard Cornforth himself every 1st and 3rd Thursday. The meetings start at 7:00 P.M. and are held at the Denny's Restaurant which is located on the I-240 Service road just east of South Pennsylvania Avenue.
I'll be adding a map that you can use to get driving directions to the meetings as well as some other goodies. You can get notifications every meeting night by subscribing to the calendar and I think you can get them on your cellphone as well.
You can right click on the image and drag it to your desktop so you will be reminded of the meeting nights. I wish there were some way to bring the meetings live to you but I have not figured out how to do that yet because there is no internet access available at Denny's and there are no wifi hotspots available that I know of.
Starbucks might be close enough to get in on their system but the problem is that I would have to use my cellphone to access it and if I can't hit Starbucks from Denny's then I would have to use my cellphone as a modem and I don't think a cellphone has enough bandwidth to carry good audio. I'll have to experiment with it some more to figure out how to broadcast our meetings on the internet. I'm sure it can be done but I just have to learn how to do it without broadband access. If there were broadband access it would be no problem.
These Google calendars are pretty neat since they are also searchable and anyone searching for Richard should get the calendar. I'll have to try that and see what happens in a day or two so as to give Google time to start circulating it.
Anyone can do this and have their own calendars as long as they have a blog or a wiki or a website. I'll be adding this Calendar to as many places as I can just as soon as I can get a better grasp on how it will circulate and show up in searches.
Google is adding lots and lots of very cool new goodies to their line. They just bought UTUBE which is a video sharing company for 1.6 billion and that should tell us all just how important video is getting to be on the internet. I have produced several videos and plan on producing quite a few more as time goes on.
Videos can be produce from a series of digital photographs or from powerpoint presentations as well as by camcorder. So now you can use a digital camera, take lots and lots of pictures of your family gathering, birthday parties or other events you might attend and turn them into a movie that can be uploaded to utube, flikr and many other places. They can be public or they can be kept private.
The only real problem with that is that the movies must be short, usually less than 10 or 15 minutes or it takes a horrible amount of time and storage space. I'm sure that will change in time as they figure out how to compress video a lot more than they have been able to do so far and maintain good picture quality.